Ancient Arts Family Karate/Ju-Jitsu Academy offers the authentic "old school" multi-discipline form of martial arts. We create Superheroes! We teach LIFE SKILLS for Men, Women and Children which not only provide body fitness and self defense, but also fitness of the mind which is derived from self respect for oneself and others. We are not a multi-school or franchise.
Owner / Operator, Don Isaak, teaches all classes! We do not have a technique of the week. We concentrate on "Fun"damentals and teach a core system. Karate/Ju-Jitsu are 3 things.....Art (a beautiful talent), Sport (competition if one wants) and Science (Physics, Newtonian Principles and Biomechanical Movements). Our greatest weapon is our intelligence and greatest enemy is ourselves!
Below are some of the many reasons why we are your best choice for the instruction of martial arts:
The Best Quality Instruction in the State by the owner/trainer, Don Isaak. Kyoshi Isaak has almost 50 years in teaching and training experience. Kyoshi Isaak has taught over 35,000 classes and worked with 1000's of students. Shihan Isaak is the recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award and Hall of Famer.
The owner teaches every class unlike most large franchises or multi-school academies who hire trainers with relatively little experience.
We teach authentic "old school" martial arts and our instructional lineage can be traced back to well over 1500 years to the pioneers of martial arts.
Our multi-discipline approach trains the body and the mind. In children, it has proven to increase self-discipline, focus, self confidence and help to overcome shyness. A great way to over come bullying!
Over the years, we have developed outstanding programs to fit the varied needs of all of our students - men, women and children.
Our prices are very reasonable and we provide 2 weeks of FREE group Lessons to help you determine if this is the right fit for you. Free Uniform when you enroll!